Saturday, March 28, 2009

T-Rex Cafe

So I wanted to drop a quick post before we go to Hailey's birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese. On Hailey's birthday we picked her up from daycare and came home to open presents. Then we met Danny's parents, sister, and our neice at the T-Rex Cafe. Now we had heard that this restaurant was pretty neat but not worth it because the food was terrible. Well we thought the food was great and the atmosphere was AWESOME. It was such a neat place! Hailey got to build-a-dino, and after we ate they sang to her and brought out some ice cream. Then they have this neat interactive area. There is a giant sandbox so that kids can do their own excavating, and there are little tvs where they can learn more about dinosaurs. Also, there is a mining area where they can mine for fossils, gems, and minerals. The dinosaurs are always growling though, so I will say that I had quite the headache when we left there. My favorite thing was the meteor shower that happened on the ceiling every 30 minutes. All in all pretty awesome!

We have been pretty busy lately. Hailey's been playing a ton of soccer, and Danny and I have been quite busy at work. We are also actively searching for a new place to live. Unfortunately we haven't found anything that we are crazy about to buy, but we have found several places that we would like to rent. We are going to go look at a house tomorrow that was just built and hasn't sold, so they have decided to rent it. It would be WAY out of our price range to purchase, but is ok to rent. I'm pretty excited about it because it has a whirlpoool tub in the master bath! That's what I'm talking about!
The body shop is giving us a repaired date of April 8th for our car. By the time we get it back, we will have owned the car for 6 months, and actually driven it for less than 4 months. Yikes. We had Hailey's birthday party for kids at Chuck E. Cheese today and it went really well. We have terrible weather today, but we still had a great turnout for the kids. I will post some pics from that later.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Happy Birthday Hailey!!!

Goodness little girl, it is so hard for me to believe that you are already 7. When I first met you, you were just 4 years old and the cutest thing I had ever seen. You won my heart instantly. If it is possible, you made me love your daddy even more because I could see how very much he loves you. We are so proud to be your parents. You work so hard in school and you are so nice to other kids. When you hug me, you make my whole day. I know that you won't always be my cuddle bug, but I hope you keep cuddling with me as long as possible. Daddy and I wish we could have our little girl forever, but we love watching you grow up as well. I hope you have the best birthday in the whole world. We love you so much and we thank God for you everyday. Happy Birthday Hailey Alette Shaver!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Hailey's Answers

This was floating around on Facebook and I liked it, so I'm posting it here too. It's a survey, but you use your kid's answers.

Copy this note, ask your kid the questions and write them down exactly how they respond. Tag me back if you do this, I'd love to hear the answers.
1. What is something mom always says to you?"I love you"
2. What makes mom happy?"Me"
3. What makes mom sad?"Not having me"
4. How does your mom make you laugh?"When you sing"
5. What was your mom like as a child?"Skinny"
6. How old is your mom?"25"
7. How tall is your mom?"12 foot:
8. What is her favorite thing to do?"play with me"9
. What does your mom do when you're not around?"read books:
10. If your mom becomes famous, what will it be for?"singing:
11. What is your mom really good at?"reading:
12. What is your mom not very good at?"coloring:
13. What does your mom do for a job?"go to Core"
14. What is your mom's favorite food?"Chipotle"
15. What makes you proud of your mom?"you help me"
16. If your mom were a cartoon character, who would she be?"Sandy on Spongebob:
17. What do you and your mom do together?"read books"
18. How are you and your mom the same?"we both read"
19. How are you and your mom different?"I'm good at drawing and you're not"
20. How do you know your mom loves you?"you always say that you love me"
22. Where is your mom's favorite place to go?"Chipotle" - man does she know me!

Sunday, March 8, 2009


Well things have calmed down this week so far which is a good thing. We are still waiting to get a copy of the police report so that I can submit it to the other driver's insurance so they will start paying for everything. Right now, we are paying for the rental car ourselves and the car is basically sitting in the body shop. We will get reimbursed once his insurance company sees that he was at fault. The body shop said that everything is fixable and that our frame is fine which is a big relief to me. Also we did go get checked out on Monday and we are fine; very sore, but fine. My back is still bothering me when I sit for too long. I hated missing Kris's shower this weekend, but I didn't think my body was up to the drive and I am a little punchy about driving right now, so I didn't think I could handle four hours yet. Journey is also feeling better. When we went in for her check up, the vet said that they are pretty certain that she had a focal seizure. Hopefully it will be a one time thing and never happen again! She is not quite as active as she typically is, but I'm sure she will be soon.

Hailey had her first soccer practice on Saturday. She absolutely loves soccer, and she is very good at it too. The kids are so much fun to watch at that age too! This is her first year playing spring soccer, so we will get pretty busy in April because she will start her machine pitch softball too. She is such an incredible blessing to Danny & me. We went to church this morning, and in her church service they learned about how God gave us His best, so we should always give our best in everything we do. When we went back to get her after our service, she hands a card to me that says "To Mom, From Hailey." I asked if it was for her mommy or for us just to clarify, but she said it was for me. That warmed my heart of course! When I opened it, it held promises that she was making to help her give her best. These included: cleaning her room, emptying her trash, and making her bed. Of course I said "wahoo!" She really has enjoyed going to this church service, and so have Danny & me. I am glad that we're getting plugged in somewhere.

This month is shaping up to be busy for us, but I can't wait. My sister-in-law, Kim, and my neice Adi will get in from Hawaii on March 18th & be here for 5 weeks! Awesome! The weekend of the 20th, Dad and Deb may be coming into town which will be awesome. My father-in-law's ballroom dance studio does their spring showcase that weekend as well. Danny tapes everything for the studio, and we loved to go watch all of the students dance. Plus it's a chance for Ken to show off his family to everyone. Hailey and I love taking the time to get dressed up too! Then the last weekend of the month we are having Hailey's birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese. Oh boy! I think I might need a beer after that one! It will definitely be fun though. Have a great week!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Some Stress!

We've had a bit of stress today! Hailey and I got home from shopping and were waiting for Danny to get done watching the Mizzou game when all of a sudden Journey started acting weird. She started limping, and then next thing we knew her back end was stumbling and she was falling over. Then her head started twitching and shaking in a weird way. We immediately took her to the vet, and they ran a ton of tests on her which all came back normal. Right now they are treating her for swelling on her brainstem and we will see if that helps. It also is possible that it could have been a seizure. Needless to say, this Mom was a bit freaked out!!

We woke up on Saturday to 4 inches of snow. I went ahead and ran my errands on Saturday which was nice because no one else was out. Between yesterday and today, I did my share of stimulating the economy. But when you have an almost 7 year old who is growing like a weed, you will have that! We made homemade pizza on Saturday night and Hailey's had a pepperoni smiley face. She also made me the sweetest card that is a picture of her and a note saying "I love you Jess. I like you Jess." I've attached pictures of both of those things.

Hailey also said a couple of those hilarious things this weekend. On Saturday, I brought home some molding clay for her, and I had called home to talk to Danny and told him about that. When I got home, I said I had a surprise for her, and she said, "I know. You got me mold." So funny.
Then we were singing this silly song that talks about God giving you power like Arnold Schwarzenager. She was having trouble saying his name and I told her that he is the governor of California. She didn't believe it was a real person, and finally said, "why did his parents name him that?" We cracked up at that too.

See you all soon!