So I wanted to drop a quick post before we go to Hailey's birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese. On Hailey's birthday we picked her up from daycare and came home to open presents. Then we met Danny's parents, sister, and our neice at the T-Rex Cafe. Now we had heard that this restaurant was pretty neat but not worth it because the food was terrible. Well we thought the food was great and the atmosphere was AWESOME. It was such a neat place! Hailey got to build-a-dino, and after we ate they sang to her and brought out some ice cream. Then they have this neat interactive area. There is a giant sandbox so that kids can do their own excavating, and there are little tvs where they can learn more about dinosaurs. Also, there is a mining area where they can mine for fossils, gems, and minerals. The dinosaurs are always growling though, so I will say that I had quite the headache when we left there. My favorite thing was the meteor shower that happened on the ceiling every 30 minutes. All in all pretty awesome!
We have been pretty busy lately. Hailey's been playing a ton of soccer, and Danny and I have been quite busy at work. We are also actively searching for a new place to live. Unfortunately we haven't found anything that we are crazy about to buy, but we have found several places that we would like to rent. We are going to go look at a house tomorrow that was just built and hasn't sold, so they have decided to rent it. It would be WAY out of our price range to purchase, but is ok to rent. I'm pretty excited about it because it has a whirlpoool tub in the master bath! That's what I'm talking about!
The body shop is giving us a repaired date of April 8th for our car. By the time we get it back, we will have owned the car for 6 months, and actually driven it for less than 4 months. Yikes. We had Hailey's birthday party for kids at Chuck E. Cheese today and it went really well. We have terrible weather today, but we still had a great turnout for the kids. I will post some pics from that later.