We have also been spending quite a bit of time with my SIL, Kim, and our neice, Adi. Picture of the cousins - Hailey looks like such a big girl it!

This picture is from Easter. We just don't have a ton of pictures of us together as a family, so it made me really happy to have this one.

As we head into May, things are just going to get crazier! We need to pack of course and get that whole thing going. I'm coming to Quincy for Kris's bachelorette party, and tehn I will be back in town on Tuesday and fly out on Wednesday morning for a conference in Cincinatti. I will be there until Thursday evening. I'm not looking forward to it too much as I've really become quite the homebody. I don't mind travelling too much, I would just prefer to be with Danny and Hailey! Plus two weddings in a row. I am looking forward to having so much Bozarth time though!